School Life
Altamont has been going global since its inception. We explore global themes and topics because a true education explores diversity, with an emphasis on intersections and divergences. The Global Initiative simply amplifies what we're already doing. Through enhanced coordination and thinking across the curriculum, global issues feature more prominently in the daily lives of our students. Coupled with relevant guest speakers and other enriching experiences, our curricular integration enjoys a new resonance. Global is a thematic touchstone and a prominent term in Altamont's lexicon.
Big ReadsThe Big Reads are an opportunity for explore the Global themes through fiction and non-fiction in a book club-type setting. The literature serves as portals into diverse cultures and ideologies. Immersion into these worlds cultivates understanding and empathy. And the structure is conducive to dialogue and sharing, which build community. Selections range from all corners of the globe, and--if possible--a translation is a prerequisite!
Idea Lab
One of the goals of the Global Initiative is to be a laboratory for exploration and innovation. To that end, we have created a grant opportunity that aims to support global and cultural projects or endeavors. Students and faculty who are interested in exploring compelling ideas and opportunities are encouraged to apply.